Engineering Economic Analysis (11th edition)


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Product details

  • Language: : English
  • ISBN-10 : 0199778124
  • ISBN-13 : 978-0199778126
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Jerome Lavelle, co-author Engineering Economic Analysis, 11E, won the 2011 Wellington Award, which is given at the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Annual Conference & Expo and recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of engineering economy. His co-authors, Donald Newnan and Ted Eschenbach, have both taken home the prize in the past.

This eleventh edition of the market-leading Engineering Economic Analysis offers comprehensive coverage of financial and economic decision-making for engineers, with an emphasis on problem solving, life-cycle costs, and the time value of money. The authors’ concise, accessible writing, practical emphasis, and contemporary examples linked to students’ everyday lives make this text the most popular among students. And with the most extensive support package, this is the easiest book to teach from.

New to the Eleventh Edition:

* For instructors considering putting all or part of their course online, we now offer all of the electronic material for upload to Learning Management Systems
* More than 340 new and revised end-of-chapter problems
* Greatly enhanced coverage of Microsoft Excel� software, including 36 video-based Excel tutorials aimed at allowing instructors to spend more time teaching the concepts and less time teaching the software
* Up-to-date chapter-opening vignettes that reflect current global events
* New appendix on using financial and the HP 33s & 35s calculators for Time Value of Money calculations–a great time saver in class and on the FE Exam
Updated to include the latest tax legislation and rates
* Enhanced coverage of ethics

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Editorial Reviews

About the Author

Donald G. Newnan is Professor Emeritus of Industrial and Systems Engineering at San Jose State University.Ted G. Eschenbach is a consultant and Professor Emeritus of Engineering Management at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Jerome P. Lavelle is Associate Dean in the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University.


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