
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders, Fifth Edition: A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual Fifth Edition by David H. Barlow (Editor)



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This clinical reference and widely adopted text is recognized as the premier guide to understanding and treating frequently encountered psychological disorders in adults. Showcasing evidence-based psychotherapy models, the volume addresses the most pressing question asked by students and practitioners–“How do I do it?” Leading authorities present state-of-the-art information on each clinical problem, explain the conceptual and empirical bases of their respective approaches, and show what the techniques look like in action. Extended case examples with session transcripts illustrate each component of treatment. New to This Edition *Incorporates treatment innovations, the latest empirical findings, and changes to diagnostic criteria in DSM-5. *Chapter on acceptance-based treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. *Chapter on comorbid depression and substance abuse, demonstrating a transdiagnostic approach. *Chapter on sleep disorders. See also Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders, Third Edition, edited by Martin M. Antony and David H. Barlow, and Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders in Children and Adolescents, edited by Christopher A. Flessner and John C. Piacentini. Read more

Review “Barlow has done it again–assembled a stellar group of scientist-practitioners to write scholarly yet accessible chapters on the full array of commonly encountered psychological disorders. Each chapter provides a sophisticated examination of psychopathology, assessment, and the best evidence-based interventions, interweaving science and practice in a dynamic fashion. Like the previous editions, this thoroughly updated and expanded volume is a ‘must read’ for graduate students, researchers, clinicians, clinical supervisors, and instructors.”–Gerald C. Davison, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Southern California “This fifth edition makes an already outstanding work even better. Existing chapters have been updated with the latest empirical and clinical evidence, and new chapters represent important developments in the field. This book is special for several reasons: The authors are top-notch, chapters cover both psychopathology and treatment, and an extensive case study with session dialogue is included in each chapter. Almost no publishers allow chapters of sufficient length to include all these important elements, but this book has them. Barlow’s book has been an invaluable part of my course on empirically supported psychotherapies for clinical psychology graduate students for a decade; the fifth edition will continue to be the basis of my course for years to come.”–Dianne L. Chambless, PhD, Professor and Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania “Barlow has assembled core treatment protocols written by leading experts in this clear, comprehensive, and highly practical volume. Each chapter includes discussion of diagnostic criteria, evidence base, assessment, and treatment, culminating in an engaging case presentation. Key treatment considerations are artfully woven throughout the chapters. Conveying essential information in a usable fashion, this is the perfect text for teaching evidence-based interventions.”–Jillon S. Vander Wal, PhD, Department of Psychology, Saint Louis University “Barlow has once again produced a top-notch resource for behavioral health professionals! Chapters are written by experts on each disorder and include reviews of the extant research as well as very helpful case examples. The fifth edition incorporates findings from the latest research as well as new chapters on such important areas as generalized anxiety disorder, sleep disorders, and co-occurring depression and substance use disorders. This is an invaluable resource for graduate students as well as practitioners seeking a comprehensive resource on the nature and treatment of psychological disorders.”–Julia D. Buckner, PhD, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University “This text has consistently served as the single best instructional aid for teaching evidence-based therapies to clinical psychology students in our doctoral program. Barlow has once again assembled the best clinicians and scholars to provide a thoughtful balance of theory, rationale, evidence, and clinical techniques. Although many of the included approaches have longstanding track records of efficacy in reducing human suffering, the fifth edition succeeds in keeping the material current, fresh, and relevant.”–David M. Fresco, PhD, Department of Psychology, Kent State University; Department of Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine “Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders, Fifth Edition, offers a comprehensive, in-depth look at DSM-5 psychological disorders. The descriptions of diagnostic criteria, clinical features, empirically based treatment techniques, and accompanying case examples are a great way to help trainees and experienced practitioners obtain detailed information about each disorder. I assign this book to my students and find it to be a reference that I utilize time and again.”–Lisa A. Paul, PhD, Department of Psychology, Northern Illinois University “The first day of class was yesterday, and students are already enthusiastic about the fifth edition of Barlow’s Handbook! For the past 15 years, subsequent editions of this text have played an important role in my teaching the main evidence-based interventions for common mental health disorders to clinical social work students. Chapters are authored by the treatment developers themselves and are structured to provide an immediately practical foundation. Each edition is better than the one before it! Finding a text that navigates this complex territory authoritatively from an evidence-based practice perspective and makes it understandable to beginning clinicians has been extremely valuable.”–André Ivanoff, PhD, Columbia University School of Social Work“The book showcases the use of evidence-based psychotherapeutic psychosocial practices to assess and treat a range of psychological disorders….Chapters are clearly organized, concisely written, and full of information about the conceptual and empirical bases of the evidence-based practices….The Clinical Handbook succeeds in offering its readers procedures for assessment, case formulation, treatment planning, and intervention strategies and techniques. Clinical vignettes and transcripts populate the pages, which serve to exhibit the integration of theory, empiricism, and real-world practice. These clinical illustrations further demonstrate how proficient use of evidence-based practices involves the principled application of techniques individualized to meet patients’ needs instead of rigid adherence to manualized treatments. This realistic portrayal of the skill required to render treatments effectively is refreshing….A very well-written and easy to use textbook. As a reference resource, it will serve students and therapists like a favorite cookbook, with pages soiling over time as they return to seek clinical recipes that will help them better serve their patients.” ― Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Published On: 2015-08-01“An outstanding revision. Each chapter is well organized, and includes a comprehensive range of information. This handbook is a helpful resource for keeping mental health professionals and students up to date on the latest research and advances in evidence-based treatments for commonly encountered psychological disorders.” ― Journal of Psychiatric Practice Published On: 2015-07-01“An indispensable guide replete with clinical tools for new and seasoned clinicians, as well as an excellent teaching resource….The authors, all distinguished scholars and clinical investigators, have addressed a wide range of psychological disorders in a rigorous and empirical manner, skillfully translating what is known about them, from theory and precisely executed research to clinical application. This book presents the most advanced treatment protocols in a detailed manner from assessment to treatment completion….Charts, forms, and resource references provided in some chapters contribute greatly to the dissemination of clinical material and make application of the techniques easily accessible….This book, continuing with the long tradition of previous editions, is an exceptional resource for clinicians and should be required reading for all in mental health training programs. It has surpassed its stated objectives to provide state-of-the-art scientific knowledge, present empirically tested effective therapies, and teach clinicians how to implement these treatments in a step-by-step manner, helping them achieve the goal that every mental health professional seeks to achieve, that is, to alleviate psychological pain and enable every client to live a more gratifying and fulfilling life.” ― Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Published On: 2015-02-01″The authors have considerable clinical experience and publish therapy plans and transcripts of ‘who says what to whom’ to prove it….A great resource for psychotherapists. All staff should have a copy.” (on the fourth edition) ― British Journal of Psychiatry Published On: 2009-05-01″This is a text that should be in every clinical library so as to be referenced based on the clinician’s needs. For the student of psychological treatments, and the bibliophile, a personal copy would provide exceeding value.” (on the fourth edition) ― Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Published On: 2010-05-01″How can we provide patients suffering from various mental health problems with the most rigorously studied, efficient, and effective treatments? How do we best offer trainees in psychology, psychiatry, and other disciplines, as well as experienced clinicians, direction in the application of such approaches? This book proffers an excellent answer to both questions.”(on the fourth edition) ― Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Published On: 2009-11-01″[Barlow] has been an acknowledged pioneer and leader in the field for many years, a fact reflected in the thoroughness of the volume’s coverage and its list of authors.” (on the fourth edition) ― Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Published On: 2008-10-01″This is an exceptional book for both the literature reviews of empirically supported treatments and the hands-on descriptions of these treatments. It will undoubtedly aid in the delivery of psychological treatment. In a body of literature replete with general comparisons, reviews, and meta-analyses, this book stands out as a truly practical step-by-step guide to the major psychological treatments currently available. Students of psychology, psychiatry, and related fields should embrace this in their training….5 stars!”(on the fourth edition) ― Doody’s Review Service Published On: 2008-04-18“This edition continues the tradition of serving as an excellent resource for graduate students and advanced trainees on the major approaches to treating patients with psychological disorders. This version incorporates important treatment movements in the field, as well emerging diagnostic challenges with DSM-5.” ― Doody’s Review Service Published On: 2014-09-01 About the Author David H. Barlow, PhD, ABPP, is Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry and Founder and Director Emeritus of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University. Dr. Barlow has published over 500 articles and book chapters and over 60 books and clinical manuals–some translated into more than 20 languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, and Russian–primarily in the areas of emotional disorders and clinical research methodology. His books include Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders, Fifth Edition, Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders, Second Edition, and Anxiety and Its Disorders, Second Edition. He has been the recipient of numerous awards, including, most recently, the Career/Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. He is past president of the Society of Clinical Psychology and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and past editor of the journals Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice and Behavior Therapy. Dr. Barlow’s research has been continually funded by the National Institutes of Health for over 40 years.

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